Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Procedure of how to book a holiday

Procedure of how to book a holiday

                             What’s beautiful is to book or arrange your holiday while you are sitting at home just by playing with your mouse , but you need to follow this procedure step by step .

                             First plan your date of departure and the date of return, because the first procedure is to issue the air ticket and confirm it. Second, check in the yahoo or Google search engine for hotels at the destination that you are going to. Or you can ask your friend if he or she knows any trustworthysite, this is for security purpose. Then check the hotel guests' feedback,also you can watch the photos of hotel rooms, choose one and reserve it with your smart card which is Visa. Finally, print out your air ticket and your hotel check in a voucher from your e-mail. Then enjoy your holiday.

                      It’s easy and interesting but it has one bad thing. If you change your plan you may lose your air ticket and the hotel may not return your money to you so you have to be careful with that.

195 Words

1 comment:

  1. if you dont know english very will do not make this peocedure alone .
