Monday, September 27, 2010

procedure how to make butter

                Most people, especially ladies type, like to produce butter at their home, they think it is difficult to make .this is wrong if you follow this simple procedure carefully and step by step.
                First, check the fresh milk to improve quality and to remove the fat. Then you have to leave the milk for cooling down. After that separate the cream from the top of the milk. Second, you must rotate or churn the cream, next drain the buttermilk from the butter then place the butter in a jar. Finally, wash the wash the butter with cold water. That step is to remove the remaining buttermilk. Then add small amount of salt to give the butter better flavor. Before you store the butter in a fridge, cut and wrap the butter.
              I think everyone can make good butter with these few steps, but must remember “too match butter may harm or effect badly to your health.     

156 words

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